Friday, September 10, 2010

Personal Traits

            Talking to this personal trait that was given to us by our instructor as our prelim exam, I’ve only got 42 which are the remarks is somewhat entrepreneur. I am just happy knowing that I have the skill to be an entrepreneur someday. In the test given there some question that is commonly happening to us and most likely it involves our personality of how we will handle on the situation given. The personal trait gives us idea of what is our personality take place to that situation.

When we say personal traits, it talks about the personality of a person. Most of us look for people who have a good personality that will fit to our own personalities too. And when we say good personality it is very different to everyone, besides each of us has a unique personality that may like to everyone or they don’t like your personality. Personality itself is not only when we see a person who wears a good dress already have a good personality but it is the inner beauty we talk about. As we define the word traits it is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, as of personality. As we define the two words differently it sum up to personal traits is a distinguishing characters of a person special to us (you). Also traits define as a readiness to think or act in a similar fashion in response to a variety of different stimuli or situations.

Personality is very important nowadays especially when we are looking for a job. Many of the companies require a good personality on a job because it is one of the factors to be a good employee. Not only in the company requires a good personality but also in our school and to our community as well. Having a good personality it will gives you a confidence to mingle and socialize to other people or shall we say you have the confidence to face the people around you; by this you can find new friends and gaining trust by them.

In connection to this to our subject, it is a lot important to have a personality for the reason that being a technopreneurship someday you can use this or it will help you this to improve your entrepreneurial skills. Because as a technopreneur you may have a good communication skills that will influence to other and it will facilitate you in your business. Without influencing others you can’t be successful in your business career especially nowadays, that the competitions are very rich. The more you influence other the more you will get the attention of the people for your business.

As I have search about personal traits there are five factors that will describe the human personality. The five factors are: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These five factors will assist us to distinguish our own personality traits and this will be our guidelines on how to develop a good personality.

Personal traits have three types; the adversity quotient, the emotional quotient, and the intelligent quotient. These three were I already answer and taken and the result was quite excellent. And I can say that I can be an entrepreneur someday, as the connection of this to our subject.  This will be an assessment for us to know where we are weak or strong of the three personal traits given for us to answer.

We take first the adversity quotient test as our instructor said and given to us our assignment. In that test the question are more on situational like “if you are criticized for a big project that you just completed”. It will base on how you will handle this situation if you are on that condition. After I finish, answering the entire question given the result is quite satisfying for me because I’ve got only 124 while the average score is 147.5. For me it is enough even though I’ve got below average score. The test have a corresponding response if where you’re CORE score high enough. CORE defines as Control, Ownership, Reach and Endurance. Base on my result that I may have little or no control and often give up and deflect accountability and most often feel victimized and helpless, also tend to catastrophize, allowing a setback in one area to bleed into other, unrelated areas and become destructive and lastly, see adversity as dragging on indefinitely, if not permanently.

After I have take the test of adversity quotient next in line to that is the Intelligence quotient. The test given on the intelligent quotient, at first there are some questions that will puzzle you and made you think deeply and some are need of analyzing and some are logic type. To be honest, it’s quite hard for me to answer some of the math problem because honestly speaking again I’m not that good enough in terms of math problems (hehe). But I as soon see the result of my IQ test I’m really happy that I’ve got an average score. Is not that I’m not trusting myself in terms of intelligent because I myself know what are my capacity.

What is intelligence?  The definition I like is that intelligence is "the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations ... also: the skilled use of reason".  I have heard some people misuse the word smart to mean knowledgeable.  That is like confusing velocity with distance.  That one can lead to the other does not mean that they are the same thing.

When talking about intelligence, first thing comes on our mind is that I you are intelligent enough you are some kind genius, clever, brainy and other expressions that are related to the word intelligent. The Intelligent quotient or IQ test it is a test where to assess how intelligent you are at your age because there some people that are intelligent enough at their young age and some are not intellect enough at their age. We can say that a child that have a high IQ he/she is gifted because it is rare for the very young age he/she got a high IQ. Therefore, I’m not that genius enough but not that dull enough for I have got a score of 105 on my Intelligence quotient test, in short have the average score.

Intelligent can be developed in many ways; one of these is our environment. Just like proper childhood nutrition appears critical for cognitive development; malnutrition can lower IQ. For example, iodine deficiency causes a fall, in average, of 12 IQ points. It is a great factor that a child have a proper nutrition because how can a child developed his/her skill or knowledge when he/she cannot go to school for him to study.

Next, is the emotional quotient test this where you can determine if you are emotionally active on a situation given? The question given in the test will check your emotion on how will you put feeling or how you will control you’re feeling to that situation. After I take the test, I will improve some areas that I think it’s lacking and not so good enough for others.

Emotion is important in everything we do. Why emotion is important to lives because it helps us to our decision-making, communication, unity, and survival. Our emotions are a valuable source of information that’s why it help us to make certain decision, it also alert us when natural human need is not being met, in terms of communication it help us communicate with others and our facial expressions can convey a wide range of emotions and our emotions are also perhaps the greatest potential source of uniting all members of the human species.

 There’s no such thing that a person have no emotion at all unless he act like a numb for him/her not to feel any emotions at all.  A person can control his/her emotions depending on the circumstances that may occur or happen to him/her. Imagine a world that have no emotions, you may find it weird, boring and a quit one and probably our life would be dull and monotonous so our world live on emotions. A person who is full of emotions is interesting to be with. As I scan the book of “General Psychology” it was stated there that the “Emotion is defined by psychologist as a stimulus situation that provokes the reaction; an experience characterized by a strong degree of feeling and marked by motor expression and a bodily state of physiological arousal produced by the autonomic nervous system and endocrine glands. We people have common emotions that we release everyday like love, anger and fear. These emotions are the usual feeling that we release every day. There are various types of emotions such as: personal, social and intellectual-aesthetic. In personal, these are emotions that relate to one’s self includes anger, fear, anxiety, pride, shame, self-pity, egotism, self-esteem and guilt while in the social, these are emotions that are relate to other people and it is characterized by friendly relations including sympathy, pity, and politeness while negative feeling are jealousy, hate and envy and in intellectual-aesthetic, these are emotions that are related to higher faculties, characterized by appreciation, admiration, awe, esteem, wonder and astonishment.

All of the examination that we have been taken, the entire result of the test is quite good enough for me. Maybe next time I would get a high score for the three personal traits: the adversity quotient, emotional quotient and the intelligent quotient and by that time I already improve all my weak points in the different areas on my personal traits. It really helps me out to know and determine my weak points and my strong points.

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